Mediation and dialogue remain the most cost effective and sustainable tools for addressing conflicts, and they are increasingly being recognized as methods for creating durable peace.
As a private diplomacy organisation, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) not only works to prevent, mitigate and resolve armed conflicts through dialogue and mediation, it also seeks to promote mediation as an effective method for addressing conflict and one which can be applied at all levels of society.
HD is consequently pleased to announce it is releasing a Trainer’s Manual on Conflict Resolution: A Foundation Course – Understanding, Negotiating and Mediating Conflicts which provides the basis for setting up courses in the subject and inspiring individuals and local communities to use mediation skills to settle their disputes.
Published with support from the European Union, the Trainer’s Manual offers comprehensive information to help people understand conflict, while seeking to equip them with essential conflict negotiation and mediation skills.
It also provides trainers who wish to build local mediation capacity in their communities with a useful guide for facilitating a course on conflict resolution.
The manual is structured around three modules and outlines how conflicts are conventionally negotiated by the parties involved in them. It also includes suggested mediation techniques and approaches as well as simulation exercises.
The manual captures the essential features of a series of training courses organised by HD with local women, young people and groups involved in building peace in Mindanao in the Philippines.
The training courses, supported by the European Union, took place in 2016 and early 2017, and were arranged as part of HD’s efforts to promote mediation as a viable tool for resolving conflicts and establishing peaceful communities.
“We hope that this manual will equip people and institutions with fundamental tools to be able to understand and resolve conflict through the principles of mediation and dialogue.” said Michael Vatikiotis, HD’s Regional Director for Asia. “In whatever small way, we hope that this can make a difference for those facing situations of conflict in their communities both in Mindanao and elsewhere.” he added.
The Trainer’s Manual is due to be officially launched today at the Discovery Pimea in Makati City, in the Philippines. In all, around 120 representatives from the media, civil society, national and local government agencies, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the Moro National Liberation Front, as well as the international community, are expected to attend.
A second launch will take place in Cotabato City, south of the country, on the 27th March 2017 at the Pagana Kutawato Restaurant.