The Mindanao Think Tank: review of the Mindanao peace process consultations
The Mindanao Think Tank (MTT) is a multi-stakeholder body based in Cotabato City and supported by the HD Centre. It seeks to inform communities on the peace process in Mindanao, solicit their opinions and feed these into the peace process through the parties. The group includes leading individuals from the Muslim, Christian and Indigenous People’s communities.
In the fist half of 2010, the MTT conducted over 30 community and sectoral consultations and workshops, the results of which are included in four publications released in September 2010.
This publication, the second in the series, looks at previous consultations undertaken on the GRP-MILF peace process, challenges to the Bangsamoro people and to the pursuit of peace in Mindanao generally.
It draws on discussions held during the third Workshop and Roundtable Discussion organised by the MTT on 28 June 2010 in Cotabato City, which brought together civil society and academic representatives, as well as Government leaders and officials. This workshop thought to answer various questions on the impact and results of previous consultation processes and, on this basis, provide recommendations for the peace process.