In Asia, conflict continues to destroy lives and livelihoods. Women, children and the marginalised often bear the heaviest burden.

Support our work

2024 sees dramatic increases in war and geopolitical uncertainty. HD remains committed to reducing these risks and resolving conflicts through mediation. Our independence is essential in building the trust needed to engage with all parties.

Private contributions are crucial in safeguarding our independence and directly supporting impactful mediation and peacebuilding efforts. Your support can make a real difference. Join us in working towards a peaceful world.

In our interconnected age, conflict in one place can affect many others – resulting in economic disruption and geopolitical tensions. Threats from instability, extremism, inequality and polarisation could impede Asia’s remarkable progress.

Through dialogue and mediation, conflict can be prevented, tensions can be reduced and solutions can be found.

With the support of our donors, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) now runs peacemaking initiatives in more than 80% of the world’s conflicts – including longstanding projects in Asia.

As an impartial and independent non-profit foundation, HD helps societies to move beyond conflict and into a brighter future where children can return to school, health clinics can reopen and economies can rebound.

Peacemaking needs trusted, experienced and skilled mediators responding to challenging situations.

The HD Asia Peace Fund – set up to mark our 25th anniversary in 2024 – is a platform for people from all walks of life to foster peace in the region by pooling their resources in a meaningful way.

Your support makes all the difference.

If you want to get in touch about your donation to the HD Asia Peace Fund, please contact David Mungall at

Click on the brochure below to see how you can contribute to reducing the human suffering caused by conflict and create the conditions for stability and development.

Peace is the bedrock for progress in education, health, livelihoods and environmental sustainability.

Wu Ye-Min, HD Regional Director based in Singapore

Asia has been a key part of HD’s history and activities since our first peacemaking project in Aceh, Indonesia in 1999.

In Asia today, HD works to reduce tensions and conflict across the region – including Myanmar, Thailand, the Philippines, the South China Sea and the Bay of Bengal – with an extensive network of experts and local partners.

By contributing to the HD Asia Peace Fund, you are investing in our peacemakers on the ground in Asia – backed up by the resources of a trusted international organisation with 25 years of results.

Top photo: Rosemain “Dadang” Abduraji, a local mediator in Sulu in the southern Philippines funded by HD donors. She has mediated more than 100 violent or potentiaIly violent conflicts.