From Libya and Lebanon to Syria and Yemen, HD works across a volatile region to reduce violence, foster dialogue and support humanitarian efforts.

HD has played a key role in supporting the peace process and political roadmap in Libya.

We helped to broker an immediate ceasefire in August 2020 and an agreement among major Libyan stakeholders to recommit to political talks. This led to a formal ceasefire and UN-brokered political deal with a national unity government, a roadmap for elections and substantial representation by women in the new cabinet.

To maintain momentum, HD has convened dialogue with key actors from all parts of the country to build a consensual legal basis for credible elections and identify steps to preserve and implement the political roadmap.

In Yemen, HD works to de-escalate and mediate in key governorates through dialogue with the main conflict parties, tribal leaders, civil society groups and women leaders to develop local agreements that could complement the UN-led peace initiative.

HD was the first international mediation team to enter Taiz, for years the scene of fierce fighting, enabling us to support national and international efforts to develop ceasefire mechanisms.

The conflict in Syria continues at a low intensity but clashes and economic desperation risk a further collapse of the country and a relapse into fighting.

In response, HD has worked to prevent military escalation between the Kurds and regional neighbours, supported initiatives to lower tensions between Kurdish authorities and Arab communities in the northeast (including a women-led mediation track) and facilitated humanitarian access to ease hardship facing millions people in the northwest.

In Tunisia, we have explored avenues for dialogue among major political parties. Our work builds on experience and initiatives including an HD-facilitated Charter of Honour for Elections, an agreement between all major political parties in Tunisia that allowed the 2014 elections to proceed peacefully. 

In Lebanon, HD has created a platform for dialogue with a wide range of political stakeholders and civil society groups to tackle social tensions fuelled by economic collapse and anger over the state of governance. We have also convened local consultations on implementing the National Anti-corruption Plan.

HD has worked similarly at national and local levels in Iraq to address sources of conflict related to regional security tensions and governance issues, including dialogue between the prime minister’s office, security forces and tribal leaders in governorates such as Anbar once heavily infiltrated by Islamic State fighters.

In northwestern Ninewa governorate, HD has focused on fostering dialogue among a complex patchwork of Arab, Yazidi and Kurdish interests to de-escalate tensions by addressing governance and services in local communities.

Photo: A Libyan man reads a document about the National Conference Process supported by HD to help advance peace in the country. © HD