Evaluation – HD’s engagement with Sida on the Innovation Mediation Initiative (IMI)
Applications close:
Date of issue: 21.03.2024
Proposal due: 28 March 2024
Contracting: Estimated 12 April 2024
Download this call for proposal in PDF here.
RFP Reference: 2024-HD Geneva – DRP 001
Issued By: CENTRE HENRY DUNANT POUR LE DIALOGUE HUMANITAIRE (HD Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue), a Swiss foundation with registration number CHE-105.181.636, having its principal office at rue de Lausanne 114, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland (“HD”)
HD Focal Point: Alexandra Dauphin (dauphin@hdcentre.org), Danielle Hull
HD is a not-for-profit private diplomacy organisation founded on the principles of humanity, impartiality, and independence which works to prevent, mitigate and resolve armed conflict though dialogue and mediation; HD mediates between governments, non-state armed groups and opposition parties to reduce conflict, limit the human suffering caused by conflict and facilitate the development of opportunities for peaceful settlements. HD also helps to build the path to stability and development for people, communities and countries through peacemaking projects around the world. HD operates with a network of offices and entities working under the HD mandate worldwide. Information on HD is available at www.hdcentre.org.
☐This RFP is shared publicly. All discussions and information shared by HD as part of the process for the review of any proposal submitted pursuant to this RFP or any discussions and information shared by HD even if a proposal is not submitted by the external Bidder are HD Confidential Information. If a Bidder submits notice of intention to bid, the Bidder shall be required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement prior to HD sharing any further information or discussion of the Bidder’s proposal.
This RFP and any associated documents issued by HD or other information provided by HD shall not be interpreted as an offer capable of being accepted or as creating any contractual, other legal or restitution rights against HD (or its officials, personnel, subcontractors, associated offices or other partners). In particular, no agreement for the provision of the services is created with a Bidder by virtue of the issuing of this RFP, by the submission of a proposal by a bidder or any discussions or responses to questions as part of the procurement process. HD may select a preferred Bidder at its complete discretion and shall not be responsible for any costs or losses incurred by an unsuccessful bidder.
Intention to submit Proposal: Interested bidders should sent an email indicating their intent to the HD Focal Point.
Questions: May be sent in writing by email to HD Focal Point by the date set out above. HD will compile a list of questions received and may, at is discretion, send a list of anonymised questions and replies to all bidders who have lodged a notice of intention to file a bid.
Amendments to RFP: HD may at any time amend the RFP (including amendments to timelines). Amendments will be sent by email to all Bidders who have lodged a notice of intention to file a Proposal.
Bidder Presentations: HD may at its discretion ask Bidders to attend in person or via videolink for a presentation of the Proposal or otherwise seek clarifications by written request.
Proposal (Containing the completed Annex A Declaration Form, Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal): Must be submitted by email to HD Focal Point by no later than the date set out above.
References: as part of the evaluation process HD may at its discretion contact references provided by the Bidder or identified independently by HD. HD may conduct background checks or other due diligence at its option prior to selection of a preferred Bidder.
Selection: HD reserves the right to not select any Bidder and cancel the RFP and/or reissue the RFP. Bidders may reapply with a new proposal if a new RFP is issued for the same or similar services. HD has no obligation to share with Bidders the reasons for its selection or non-selection of any or all Proposals. HD may withdraw the RFP or modify the project or the timelines at any time. HD does not generally make public the name of a selected Bidder. HD will acknowledge receipt of a Proposal (if a complete Proposal and Bidder declaration form is filed in accordance with this RFP) and will take reasonable steps to inform a Bidder if its Proposal is not selected (but such notification may take significant time as HD may first conclude a contract with another bidder).
Contract: No services may be provided prior to the signature of a legal contract. HD will not be responsible for any work undertaken in anticipation of contract signature nor for any losses or liabilities incurred by the bidder prior to contract signature (and upon contract signature, only such obligations as are agreed in the contract). Prior to contracting, HD may require further due diligence for a preferred Bidder.
Introduction – Internal need description / reason of procurement
HD’s mission is to help prevent, mitigate and resolve armed conflict through dialogue and mediation, employing a pragmatic and adaptive approach. Our strength lies in our creativity and ability to swiftly respond to emergent crises using state-of-the-art tools and analysis.
HD’s work has benefitted from the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) through two initiatives spanning 2019-2024. From 2022-2024, this consisted of a three-year Innovative Mediation Initiative (IMI) grant, aimed enhancing our innovative peacemaking approaches by integrating environmental, inclusive, and digital perspectives into our strategies and responses, as well as pioneering new mediation methods in a selected context portfolio of interest for Sweden. Sida’s renewed collaboration sustains HD’s innovation and effectiveness in fostering comprehensive, inclusive and sustainable peace, complementing a core grant from Sweden’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The IMI grant will come to an end on 31.12.2024.
Requested Services
1/ Evaluation Purpose and Scope
HD commissions the evaluation of the Innovative Mediation Initiative (IMI) grant and its ongoing partnership with Sida. The evaluation has two main objectives:
- Examining effectiveness of HD’s approach and its contribution to impact through the collection of stories of change: The evaluation will look at HD’s contribution to impact within the IMI though the collection and compilation of concrete and illustrative stories of change. These stories of change may also include how projects adapted to changing circumstances and challenges. In considering the effectiveness and contribution to impact, the evaluation might also consider the consequences of 2023-24 budget reductions.
- Assessing the efficiency and relevance of the model, including the flexible funding mechanism: The evaluation will also focus on understanding and substantiating the relevance and role of the thematic portfolio support and flexible funding mechanism under the IMI model. In particular, it will consider the role of the model in enabling HD to adapt its approaches as needed through the flexible funding mechanism, swiftly respond to global and local dynamics through thematic focus areas, and explore innovative ideas and entry points. It may also consider the role of the partnership in ensuring coherence with other sources of Swedish support.
In doing so, this evaluation will assist HD in identifying its larger contribution to impact, the role of Sida’s flexible funding mechanism in achieving this, and the overall effectiveness of the HD-Sida partnership. In addition, this evaluation will also assist both HD and Sida in understanding and communicating the effectiveness, relevance, and value of the partnership.
Given the nature of the support provided by Sida over the past six years, and the range of efforts included, the evaluation should focus on projects that received funding under the IMI in their data collection and stories of change (2022-2024). However, some projects that received funding under the FMI (2019-2021) could also be considered, particularly as they relate to the second main objective, the analysis of the role and relevance of the flexible funding mechanism.
It is anticipated that an individual or small team, working in tandem with HD’s Mediation Support and Policy Unit (MESU), will conduct the evaluation. It should be completed by August 15, 2024 at the latest.
2/ Evaluation Questions
In line with the above objectives, below are suggested key evaluation questions. The evaluation team should adapt them as needed and relevant.
- As demonstrated through a series of change stories, what has been the contribution to impact of HD’s efforts in the Innovative Mediation Initiative (IMI)?
- Identify and illustrate the tangible outcomes achieved by HD’s initiatives under the IMI through a serious of concrete change stories
- Consider and analyse encountered obstacles and challenges, including Sida budget reductions 2023-24, and assess how these have informed lessons learned and recommendations for future initiatives.
- Consider how HD and Sida can jointly improve communicating the impacts of the cooperation within Sweden’s political system.
- To what extent has the model’s thematic support and flexible funding mechanism resulted in improved innovation, relevance and efficiency?
- Analyse whether and how the flexible funding mechanism has informed HD’s adaptive capacity and whether this has led to more efficient, relevant, adaptable, and appropriate efforts.
- Evaluate where and to what extent the flexible funding mechanism enabled HD to respond promptly to emerging conflict dynamics and changing circumstances.
- Assess if the mechanism has enhanced HD’s capability to innovate and adapt project approaches and strategies in a timely and suitable manner.
- Consider appropriateness of HD’s approach, logic, and strategy for the thematic efforts funded under the IMI.
3/ Methodology and Specific Results
An essential part of the analysis is the identification and compilation of a number of concrete change stories from select projects within the portfolio in order to assist HD and Sida in better understanding, communicating, and building on results.
Key elements of the evaluation include:
- An initial briefing with evaluators and MESU, who will work closely alongside the evaluators throughout the data collection and reporting process, along with a review of essential documents provided. Additional or separate briefings and conversations between evaluators and MESU counterparts will be organized as required.
- A review of relevant documentation to be provided by HD. This may encompass, but is not limited to, project progress reports, briefing papers, project strategy documents, relevant significant changes identified by project teams.
- Input gathering from project team members, including written documentation and interviews as needed.
- Based on these sources of information, the development of tailored outputs, to include stories of change and the analysis of partnership model.
Building on the findings identified, the final report should include a series of stories of change selected to illustrate the role and contribution to impact of the partnership. The report should also include an analysis of the role of the flexible funding mechanism, along with any relevant recommendations for future engagement. The report should be designed to both help HD and Sida to better understand as well as effectively communicate the value of the collaboration.
Given the global and sometimes sensitive nature of HD’s work, it is paramount that evaluators take measures to ensure that the design of the evaluation process does not place contacts or stakeholders at risk during data collection or dissemination. Evaluators should also adopt a gender-responsive approach/methodology, employing methods, tools, and data analysis techniques that consider gender-related aspects.
4/ Timeline for provision of service
Please find below an estimated timeline, phase and activities/deliverables for the evaluation:
- April 2024 – Introductory Meetings Phase: Introductory meeting(s)with MESU (HD) and the evaluators to alignment on evaluation approach and methodology for input collection as well as format for final report.
- April-May 2024 – Data collection phase: Data to be collected through a review of key documentation, group discussions, and written input from relevant stakeholders and project teams.
- April-June 2024 – Data Analysis and Report Drafting phase: Concurrently with the data collection should be the analysis of data and drafting of stories of change and analysis of thematics and flexible funding mechanism for the final report.
- June 2024 – Draft report and feedback phase: A draft report with stories of change, analysis, and recommendations. Discussion and feedbackon draft report HD and Sida (to be discussed).
- July 2024 – Revision and finalisation of the report phase: Based on feedback offered, revision and finalisation of the final report.
- 15 August 2024 – Final Delivery phase: Delivery of final report written in English suitable for sharing within HD as well as with Sida.
The final report should be written in English and be suitable for sharing within HD as well as with Sida. The final report should have clear structure and include several well-written stories of change along with an analysis of the relevance and effectiveness of the model’s thematic support and flexible funding mechanism. Following review of the initial draft, the report should incorporate any agreed changes or amendments requested by HD and Sida.
In lieu of one comprehensive final report, it may also be acceptable to share the series of change stories and analysis across several shorter evaluation products. Such an evaluation approach should be discussed and agreed upon with HD.
Evaluation team qualifications
HD will enlist either a single evaluator or a small team. Alternatively, it may form a hybrid team consisting of one or more consultants, including members of the Mediation Support and Policy Unit (MESU).
The evaluator(s) should meet the following criteria:
- Demonstrated experience engaging with and analysing complex programs in the field of peacebuilding and/or mediation
- Very strong writing and communication skills
- Strong understanding of, and experience in, conflict mediation and peace sector work
- Experience in conducting desk-based research and qualitative data collection, as well as handling politically sensitive information
- Experience in organising virtual meetings/workshops and using remote data collection methods
- Excellent co-design, coordination, and facilitation skills
- Fluency in English is required, and working proficiency in French or Swedish is highly desired
Format and content of the Proposal
Responses to this RFP must be in Choose an item. and must include
- Bidder Proposal Form attached as Annex A including relevant supporting documents (e.g. current copy of registration; Authorised Signatories);
- Technical Proposal containing narrative of the services to be provided, a list of deliverables, a timeline for delivery of services and deliverables, a list of key personnel and proposed sub-contractors (if any). No pricings should be included in the Technical Proposal.; and
- Financial Proposal containing a detailed budget which includes the entire proposed service fee including all costs and expenses. All pricings must be submitted in CHF.
If the Bidder requests for fees payments to be made into a bank account in a currency that is different to that of the proposal budget Bidder must specify in the Financial Proposal. Bidder shall assume all bank charges and foreign exchange fees that may arise if the currency of proposal is different to the Bidder bank account currency for payment of fees.
If any supporting documentation is in a language other than that specified above, Bidder must provide official translations. HD shall rely on the translated versions.
The Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal are together the Bidder’s Proposal.
Annex A
Bidder Proposal Declaration Form
**This form must be completed and signed by the Bidder and submitted to HD Focal Point by the date set out in the RFP together with the Bidder’s Technical Proposal, Financial Proposal and documentation requested in this form
- Legal Name of Bidder:
- Registered Office of Bidder:
- Legal Status of Bidder: If the Bidder is an unincorporated entity (e.g. individual consultant) please provide information as to local registration as an independent consultant
- Country of Incorporation:
- Registration Number: *Please attach a current copy of registration (company register extract or similar)
- Countries of Operation: (countries where Bidder has legal status by way of a a registered office or a local subsidiary or similar)
- Names of Authorised Signatories: *Please attach signature authorisations or extract of official registry list
- Do you normally charge goods and services taxes for the proposed services/consider the services to be subject to VAT/TVA/GST or similar? (*Please note HD is exempt from paying VAT for Services supplied to Switzerland)
- Is a Technical Proposal attached to this declaration?
- Is a Financial Proposal attached to this declaration?
- Does the Proposal attached cover all services requested in the RFP? (If no, please explain what parts of the RFP are covered)?
- Would the Bidder accept selection for only a portion of the services it proposes (if HD decided to award parts of the project to multiple Bidders)?
- Validity of Proposal (HD requests a minimum of 120 days after the date of submission of the Proposal)
- Referees (Please list three referees who are willing to provide references regarding the Bidder, and in particular comparable services provided). HD will be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement with referees if requested.
In submitting its Proposal, Bidder (name as stated in paragraph 1 above), declares, represents and warrants:
- Authority to Act: Bidder has full authority and power to submit the Proposal and full capacity to provide the services detailed therein in accordance with the laws of the country(ies), state(s) and municipality(ies) in which it operates and in which it shall carry out the services.
- Proposal is complete and true and accurate: This form, together with the Technical and Financial Proposals submitted, contain true, accurate and complete information.
- Bidder has necessary skills and availability: The Bidder has the necessary skills and competences and resource availability to undertake the services proposed in the Proposals in accordance with the timelines specified in this RFP and/or the Bidders Proposal documents.
- Confidentiality: Bidder shall ensure that it, and its directors, officials, employees and subcontractors comply with the terms of confidentiality agreed with HD. Bidder understands and agrees that the upmost professional discretion must be exercised with respect of all matters related to this RFP and that confidentiality is of great importance to HD.
- No Conflict of Interest: Neither Bidder nor any personnel or subcontractors proposed to deliver the work have any conflict of interest if Bidder were to be selected by HD for the services. In particular:
- personnel/ proposed subcontractors are not subject to any obligations to a third party that would prevent such persons from fully performing any of the proposed services.
- neither Bidder nor personnel/subcontractors have personal, professional, financial, proprietary or other interests of any kind with any collaborating or competing institutions or other organizations that may compromise impartial and independent judgment or actions regarding its delivery of services proposed.
- Bidder has undertaken due diligence and none of personnel/subcontractors proposed have previously worked for HD.
- Solvability/Continued Viability: Bidder is financially solvent and reasonably anticipates it will continue to be financially solvent during the planned timelines for delivery of services. Furthermore, Bidder has no reason to anticipate that it would be wound up, dissolved, put under administration or be subject to any other legal impediment that would prevent it from delivering the services.
- No litigation, claims or investigations: Bidder is not aware or any actual, pending or potential legal litigation or other claims or investigations that could have a material adverse effect on its ability to deliver the services.
- IP rights: Bidder has all the necessary rights to use any intellectual property necessary for the provision of the services, and has sufficient rights to grant on-going perpetual royalty free rights to HD (and its associated offices and partners) to use the same as may be necessary for full enjoyment of the services and deliverables. Bidder acknowledges that all work product developed as part of the services shall belong to HD.
- Operations in compliance with all applicable laws: All Bidder operations are in compliance with local laws and regulations including with respect to data protection, environmental laws, occupational health and safety of personnel, labour laws, child protection laws, fraud and corruption and sanctions laws. In addition, Bidder declares that neither it nor its affiliates (nor any officials, directors, employees of it or its affiliates) have been found in breach of, or have been investigated, by a competent authority anywhere in the world for transgressions of sanctions, anti-terrorism, anti-money laundering or fraud and corruption laws and regulations.
- Diligence to ensure no improper benefits or fraud: Bidder and personnel associated with the Proposal have not made or caused to be made, or received or sought to receive, any offer, gift or payment, consideration or benefit of any kind, which would or could be construed as an illegal or corrupt practice, either directly or indirectly, active or passive, to any person or entity associated with HD or its associated offices or partners or to any person, entity, organisation, public official or public body who, acting officially or not, are in a position to influence, secure or retain any financial or other advantage to HD (or parties associated with HD) by improperly performing a function of a public nature or a business activity with the purpose of effect of public or commercial bribery, acceptance of or acquiescence in extortion, kickbacks or other unlawful or improper means of obtaining or retaining a benefit. Bidder will notify HD Internal Audit (harbutt@hdcentre.org) about any serious suspicion or proven case of fraud, corruption, bribery, financial irregularities or other illegal activities it may become aware of relating to this RFP or its Proposal otherwise reasonably likely to impact directly or indirectly HD or its related offices (whether related to the RFP and Bidder’s Proposal not).
- No Harassment and Abuse: Bidder will ensure that policies and procedures are in place to ensure that operations associated with delivery of the services are free from harassment and abuse, sexual or otherwise.
Any comments or further clarifications by Bidder on the declarations given in this form:
If circumstances change or Bidder becomes aware that the representations and warranties made above are no longer current or accurate after submission of its Proposal up until such time as it is informed by HD its Proposal has not been selected it shall immediately inform HD in writing.
Bidder understands that HD is not committed to select its Proposal nor provide any reasons for a selection if HD chooses at its discretion to engage a different bidder, amend or cancel the RFP at any time.
Bidder is available for further discussions and in person or via video link presentation if requested by HD.
Bidder understands that it bears all of its own costs and expenses it incurs in relation to the preparation of its Proposal, subsequent discussions and the costs associated with any eventual conclusion of a contract.
Bidder acknowledges that terms aligned to the above declarations will be included in any eventual contract with HD.
SIGNED as a declaration to be relied upon by HD by:
[Name of Bidder]
Authorised Representative Signature:
Authorised Representative Name: