A critical and evolving aspect of contemporary conflict mediation is the impact of social media on conflict dynamics and the mediation process.

Mediators are beginning to address this impact through standalone social media agreements, pre-process codes of conduct or the inclusion of specific social media clauses in broader ceasefire or peace agreements. 

This brief aims to address the understudied challenge of how to implement and monitor social media provisions in peace agreements.

It is the outcome of a tabletop exercise with mediators, ceasefire practitioners, technical experts and researchers convened by Build Up, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) and the UN DPPA Mediation Support Unit in January 2024. 

This brief is for:  

  • Mediators or mediation support teams in contexts where social media is an active conflict driver that may need to be discussed in a peace process  
  • Peace agreement implementation mechanisms or monitoring bodies that are tasked with implementing communications or media-related provisions 
  • Social media platform professionals who are considering the policy implications and partnership opportunities during moments of conflict and negotiated political settlements 
  • Researchers who have the ability to contribute evidence to the open questions