HD is a Swiss-based non-profit organisation founded on the principles of humanity, impartiality and independence. About us
Contact us Based in Geneva, HD runs peacemaking projects across Africa, the Middle East, Eurasia, Asia and Latin America. Get in touch
Oslo Forum Co-hosted by HD and Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Oslo Forum is the premier event for the international mediation and peacemaking community. Visit the Oslo Forum
HD produces a range of resources to help mediators achieve inclusive and sustainable peace. Explore all Insights
Podcasts The Mediator’s Studio series and HD’s other podcasts take you behind the scenes with exceptional stories from the most prominent voices in peacemaking. Discover our Podcasts
The Mediator’s Studio Adam Cooper brings you behind closed doors with riveting stories and insights from prominent peacemakers on what it takes to end wars and violent conflicts. Listen now
Policy and research Peace and Security in the Central African Republic 08.06.2020 Available to read in Français Download PDF English (1.97 Mb) French (1.94 Mb)